Wurlitzer 200 and 200a piano maintenance and repair

Your Wurlitzer 200 or 200a  piano is now over 40 years old. Chances are it still does the job and gives a good sound. However, if it never or hardly had any maintenance chances are great it doen’t perform like it should anymore. Known symptoms are:


– Out of tune

– Sticking keys and sloppy action

– Some notes don’t get damped properly

– Uneven sound troughout the keyboard

– Uneven dynamic response

– No sustain on some notes

– Keyplay

– Noise and hum coming from the amp



All these symptoms can be fixed by Vintage Instrument Service.  We’ve restored over 200 Wurlitzer piano’s and the difference after restoration always is like night and day.  Four standard service packages are offered. If (partial) restoration has been done recently package 1 or 2 might suffice, but in any other case package 3 or 4 is required.

All rates are including materials and VAT. Scroll further below to check the most common services for a Wurlitzer piano. We also work on older models , like 112, 120, 140, 140b, 145, 145b.


Wurlitzer 200 en 200a package 1: €245,-  incl vat


– Tuning

– Voicing

Wurlitzer 200 en 200a package 2: €715,-
 incl vat

– Tuning

– Voicing

– Calibrating action including vertical keyplay and aftertouch

– Replacing main electrolytic capacitors

– Inside and key cleaning plus keypost lube

– Minimalize sideway keyplay (centerpins and frontpins)


Wurlitzer 200 en 200a package 3: €1.200,-  incl vat

– Tuning

– Voicing

– Calibrating and lubing action including vertical keyplay and aftertouch

– Replacing main electrolytic capacitors

– Inside and key cleaning plus keypost lube

– Minimalize sideway keyplay (centerpins and frontpins)

– Replacing fuseholder

– Replacing whip assembly springs

– Replacing damperarm grommets


Wurlitzer 200 en 200a package 4: €1.830,-  incl vat

– Tuning

– Voicing

– Calibrating and lubing action including vertical keyplay and aftertouch

– Inside and key cleaning plus keypost lube

– Minimalize sideway keyplay (centerpins and frontpins)

– Replacing fuseholder

– Replacing whip assembly springs

– Replacing damperarm grommets

– New Warneck amp incl reedbar shields (200 only)



Repairs and modifications


At Vintage Instrument Service its also possible to have repairs or modifications done. See below a list with prices. Prices are with materials and VAT included.


Reparatie en onderhoud
Tuning/Voicing € 245
Lubing and calibrating action € 400
Replacing whip Assembly Jack Felts (only with above) € 95
Replacing whip Assembly Jack springs (only lubing/cal. action) €240
Replacing dampergrommets € 55
Minimalize sideway keyplay front pins € 55
Minimalize sideway keyplay center pins € 72,50
Replacing and tuning reed € 50
Replacing hammerarm € 20
Replacing damperarm € 13
Replacing whipassemply + €55,- starting rate € 23
200/200a: Replacing main electrolytic capactors € 45
200: Replacing RCA cable between harp and amp € 50
200 and 200a: Installing new amp (Warneck) €650,-
200: Replacing speakers € 250
200a: Replacing speakers € 175
Replacing volume and vibrato pots € 90
200a: Installing new aux pot € 55
200a: Installing new aux pot with wiring € 100
Installing new speaker/headphone wiring € 85
Installing leg hangers €125
Replacing faceplate € 65
Inside and key cleaning plus keypost lube € 90
Chrome legs and pedal cleaning service € 50
Body painting service (wood only) € 80
200: Humbar mod € 140
Installing humfree LED pilot lamp € 85
Installing 240 volt trafo   € 225
Every other repair or modification can be done for an hour rate (see Rates) excluding materials. Contact us for more info. We can also work on your older 112,120,140 or 145 model Wurlies.



Vintage Instrument Service can collect your instrument or have it shipped to our workshop. Contact us for more info.